
Analysis flow (start)

The assumptions for this documents are:

It is beneficial if the objectives for the API and its high level service domain scope have already been agreed before starting to define the API.

Knowing the information to fetch or tasks that need to be performed will assist in completing the API specification. This information could be captured in the API specification so as to avoid duplicate sources of information that needs to be synchronised.

Information in the OpenAPI specification can be extracted and rendered into various formats, such as CSV lists of fields, their types, size and description.

Sequence Diagram

title: Business Analyst task flow

    actor ba as Business Analyst
    participant ide as ApiCurio
    participant git as Github
    participant oas3f as OpenAPI file

    Note over git, oas3f: The OpenAPI file is stored in Git

    ba ->>+ ide: start IDE

    ide ->> ide: Create new API
    Note over ba, oas3f: New API is to meet naming standards for services
    ide ->> ide: Create new data structures
    Note over ba, oas3f: Data structures include requests and responses
    ide ->> ide: Create new paths and methods
    Note over ba, oas3f: Includes non 200 response handling, headers and security
    ide ->>+ git: Commit to git
    git ->>+ oas3f: OpenAPI file under Git
    oas3f -->>- git: Saved
    git --) git: Trigger GitActions for lint
    git -->>- ide: 

    ide -->>- ba: close

When creating the OpenAPI specification the information to include:

A lint process will be run over the OpenAPI specification to ensure adherence to styling standards.

End Status of flow

At the end of this flow the OpenAPI (and/or AsyncAPI) specification will be in a stable state so that coding can commence. Minor changes to the specification can still occur, and completely new paths can be added.

When the specification changes the version will change according to semantic versioning rules.

The OpenAPI definition generated is next used in the developer client start or developer server start flow.

The client will need to consume a mock service until the server code is built.

Reading Notes

Further automation can be achieved by GitActions calling qaskx-cli, such as registering the OpenAPI specification in the devops file.

The ApiCurio and Github components can be substituted for other software products uch as Swagger Editor and Bitbucket that provide similar capabilities.