
Setup desktop (start)

This is the setup desktop tasks that is performed by the developers, though others that are updating code including documentation can also perform the setup.

This task is expected to be done only once for a desktop environment, and the environment can be used for multiple projects and deliveries.

Software installation

Please ensure the following tools or equivalents are installed or you have access to servers with the associated capabilities.

The server based software above could be executed as docker images on your local desktop, but this would be only for demonstration purposes.

Configuring and initialising the software above is left for you to follow any existing standards you may have. The qaskc-cli setup is below.

Sequence diagram

The qaskx-cli has a setup command that creates the basic configuration files that it uses. If or when you need to change the defaults, you will commonly make the changes permanent by changing the configuration files.

This includes items such as:

You can read further information on each file in documents:

Now have a look at the steps below to setup the files.


    actor person as Team Member
    participant term as Terminal
    participant qaskx as qaskx-cli
    participant home as home dir
    participant prj as projects dir

    person ->>+ term: start

    Note over term, qaskx: Setup qaskx-cli tool

    term ->>+ qaskx: 
    Note over qaskx, home: qaskx-cli setup configure cmd
    qaskx ->>+ home: 
    home -->>- qaskx: New .qaskx file created
    qaskx ->>+ prj: 
    prj -->>- qaskx: New config file created
    qaskx -->>- term: Success

    Note over term, home: You can rerun the configure or modify config file

    term -->>- person: 

End Status of flow

At the end of the above setup steps the desktop will have the base tools that are mentioned in subsequent documents, and you will have access to the server features.

The next step in the process is covered in project_start

Reading Notes

The suggested tools are only that, suggestions. You can substitute your own preferred tools as appropriate. The concept is still valid and your mileage may vary.